Welcome to The Great NorthSouth R#n

Where you all run as one! It’s not the Medal at the finish (there isn’t one), it’s the T-shirt at the start!!

A social 19.8 mile ‘Hash’ trail run through the Isle of Wight’s beautiful countryside. From Egypt Point to St Catherine’s Lighthouse (the most northern point to the most southern point).

GNSR2024 is FULL and we have a large waiting list!

2024’s run will be held on Saturday 21st September and start at 10:30am.
You must arrive at Egypt Point in Cowes between 9:30-10:00am to sign in and collect your T-shirt.

If you have secured a place and are now not able to take part in the event, please email the organiser as soon as possible, as we have a large waiting list. If we can successfully transfer your place to another person, we may be able to offer you a refund.

All transfers MUST be approved by the organiser. Please do NOT just turn up on the day expecting or hoping to be allowed to take another person’s place!

The withdrawal, transfer and refund window will close at 11:59pm on Sunday 15th September.

On the day of the event, no one will be allowed to collect another person’s T-shirt. If you are running you MUST collect your own T-shirt. If you are NOT running you may collect your own T-shirt but you MUST inform the check-in crew that you will NOT be running and therefore NOT be part of the event.

Please feel free to email the organiser if you have any questions or concerns.


Welcome to the eleventh The Great NorthSouth R#n. The main theme of this run is to have fun, socialise and still put in some great mileage. There are no marshals for this event, so you are on your own to some extent, however the ethos of Hashing is for everyone to look out for one another. This is not a race! If you feel you can’t do the whole distance, you are very welcome to hop on one of our buses to skip a leg or two! The run is also supported by a number of support vehicles.

The run has four legs, all of which are marked by a trail of wood shavings and chalk arrows. The first is 7.3 miles to The Blacksmiths. The second is 5.7 miles (13 miles) to The Chequers Inn. The third is 3.7 miles (16.7 miles) to The White Horse Inn at Whitwell. The fourth is 2.7 miles (19.4 miles) to St Catherine’s Lighthouse. Then run (or walk/crawl) the last 0.4 miles (19.8 miles) up to The Buddle Smuggler’s Inn for a well earned pint!! As it’s a Hash R#n and there are no official water stops, please drink at every pub even if its water!

Start Pic 2 2012

The Inaugural 2012 R#n

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